While the first iOS 19 beta is still more than two months away, there are already plenty of rumors about the upcoming ...
作者 | Trevor Elkins译者 | 马可薇策划 | Tina作为一名长期从事 iOS 开发的程序员,最让我感到郁闷的莫过于是看着业界发展日新月异,而我们却仿佛是在原地踏步。我试过用 lovable.dev、bolt.new,和 a0.dev 这些平台构建网站和应用,使用体验甚是神奇。反观苹果生态,我们连 Xcode 里能正常运行的 GitHub Copilot ...
OpenSilver 3.2 integrates .NET MAUI Hybrid, which will enable WPF-compatible apps to be made for mobile and web from a single ...
The European Union is mandating Apple to adjust its iOS and iPadOS to work better with rival technologies, as part of the ...
Apple has been having trouble with some of it’s AI efforts, especially the Siri features that were supposed to come in iOS 18.4 (personal context, screen awareness, and in-app actions).
The European Union has outlined mandatory steps for Apple to enhance the interoperability of its iOS devices under the ...