Once at the heart of the religious practice for millions of American Catholics, the sacrament of confession could become a relic of the past.
Former pastor Steven Lawson acknowledged that he has “sinned grievously,” speaking out for the first time about the scandal ...
David took another man's wife and arranged for her husband's death, yet he was called a man after God's own heart (2 Samuel ...
Regarding John J. Miller’s review of “For I Have Sinned” (Books, March 1), I date my lapse from Catholicism to a priest’s too ...
We’re now deep in Lent and people who go to church enjoy singing a seasonal bit of chant with the refrain Attende Domine et ...
Retired Big Rapids pastor Ron Witbeck uses the game of Hide and Seek to illustrate how we sometimes hide from God.
Istighfar is a gateway to relief and happiness. Whenever you feel distressed, start reciting it, and it will calm your heart ...
Those of us who still go are “manifestly a minority,” writes Mr. O’Toole in “For I Have Sinned,” his thoughtful account of how a once-common habit has declined “with a speed that may ...