Ultra longtime Mac users may recall a fun Classic Mac OS application that placed a set of googly eyes into the Mac menu bar, ...
We all lose our cursors on our Macs from time to time. While there are solutions to speed up your search, this new menu bar ...
“Necessity is the mother of invention,” or so the saying goes. We’ve never held to that, finding that laziness is a much more powerful creative lubricant. And this story about someone who ...
Your one-eyed fur baby may also enjoy toys that make noise, like crinkle balls or mice for cats and squeaky toys for pups.
[Glen] made a pair of giant googly eyes that follow you around the room using some servos and some very powerful software. This part of the project is arguably the most interesting if you’re ...
Noteworthy paintings from Art Fair Philippines 2025 The recently concluded Art Fair Philippines was a great way to see what ...
As an adult, I discovered that today, Friday March 14th, is National Pi Day. My stomach was all excited imagining apple, cherry, and lemon meringue pie, until my brain discovered it was Pi Day as in ...
Standing at seven feet tall, with non-blinking googly eyes, covered head to toe in orange fur and an unkempt beard, Gritty’s appearance is inimitable. Gritty’s edgy personality and ...