When you go ashore, if you’re not going to use your credit card, you may find that there’s an ATM temporarily set up on the ship dispensing local currency. Be warned, this can be a fairly ...
New Zealand and the tiny Pacific island of Nauru have agreed to take more than 400 asylum seekers stranded on a Norwegian container vessel in the Indian Ocean, Prime Minister John Howard said today.
This will allow you to go ashore, fighting a bunch of enemies, and normally net around $1000 to $3000 when you finish exploring. It's easy money and will cover your earliest skill upgrades to help ...
Geomagnetic storms: When should we look up and when should we worry?
No crew member of Argentina's training sailship ARA Libertad was allowed to go ashore as the vessel docked in the Chilean port of Valparaíso while diplomatic tension between the two countries mounts.