七国集团 (G7)外交部长星期五 (3月14日)发表的联合声明增加了有关台湾的措辞,并删除了过去声明中“一个中国”政策的言论,对中国采取了更为强硬的立场。中国称该声明粗暴干涉中国内政,对此强烈不满、坚决反对。
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A video surfaced on Chinese social media Thursday showing a new type of barge that could support large ...
印度尼西亚财政部星期三 (3月12日)发布,印尼将自3月25日起对从中国、泰国和台湾进口的聚酰胺薄膜 (Nylon Film,另译尼龙薄膜)征收反倾销进口税。
A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Thursday said that no individual or force will be allowed to split Taiwan from China, and ...
China's top legislator Zhao Leji on Friday emphasized resolutely combating "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and ...