Temperature is a critical variable that influences countless biological processes at the cellular level. However, precisely ...
For a time, however, it appeared that fluorescent protein engineering had hit a 'yellow' wall in efforts to red-shift fluorescence emission. Fortuitously, this barrier had already been surmounted ...
If LEDs replace fluorescent lamps by 2027, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by a cumulative 2.7 gigatons around the world by 2050, according to estimates by Clasp. Related News ...
VFDs — vacuum fluorescent displays — have a distinctive look, and [Anthony Francis-Jones] is generally fascinated with retro displays. So, it makes sense that he’d build a VFD project as an ...
We're all familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting stimulus.
In order to analyze the length of the PCR products by electrophoresis and a laser detection system, one of these primers has to carry a fluorescent dye label, which may be 6-carboxy-fluorescine ...
VFDs — vacuum fluorescent displays — have a distinctive look, and [Anthony Francis-Jones] is generally fascinated with retro displays. So, it makes sense that he’d build a VFD project as an ...
A puffy cloud fluorescent light filter is a fun way to diffuse the harsh glare of fluorescent lights in drop ceilings. The cloud design provides a soothing scene, perfect for daydreaming.
Available in many lengths and several diameters, the tube is lined with a fluorescent phosphor. When the mercury is excited by electricity, it emits ultraviolet (UV) light, which causes the ...
A survey of museum specimens reveals that more than a dozen species of the birds sport biofluorescence in feathers, skin or even inside their throats.
The Pathology Core laboratory is equipped with a Nikon E-1000 upright fluorescent microscope equipped with 4x, 10x, 20x and 40x dry objectives and 40x and 60x oil immersion objectives. The microscope ...