A city centre has been flooded and thousands of properties have been hit by water supply problems after a main burst.
Roofers are getting a lot of calls after this week's winter storm in the Phoenix area but not all companies are the same.
The first episode of Michelle Obama 's new podcast has been flooded with abuse from trolls. The podcast, called IMO with ...
As AI content creation tools get easier to access, creators tell Rolling Stone platforms have a responsibility to take more ...
City officials provided an update on recovery efforts for the Southwest Detroit neighborhood that flooded from a water main ...
Channel 4 will not be renewing its controversial social experiment Go Back to Where You Came From, with spokesperson saying ...
Sharks have been sighted swimming through Gold Coast canals as Australia continued to struggle with heavy rain and flooding ...
Dollywood has been a Pigeon Forge fixture for 40 years - but the land the park occupies has been a tourist attraction for far ...