近日,Flashbulb Games正式发布了万众期待的开放世界沙盒建造游戏《机械制造者2.0:先驱者》。该游戏经历了全面升级,不仅扩展了PvE与PvP玩法,也引入了全新的生存模式,激发了玩家的创造潜能。显然,这是一场借助PressPlay、CCPGames、Rare等资深团队的共同努力所推动的重大创举。
Flashbulb Games was once one of Microsoft's first-party studios under the name Press Play. Now, a decade later, they reflect ...
9 天
3DM游戏网 on MSN特别好评开放世界沙盒建造游戏《机械制造者2.0:先驱者》推出Press Play、CCP Games、Rare资深制作人联合打造,游戏全面升级,扩展PvE与PvP玩法,全球超500万玩家加入创意建造Flashbulb Games 今日正式发布 ...
Jonas Ussing and Stine Sørensen, co-owners of Space Office VFX, reveal the time-saving strategies behind the action-packed ...
Press Play、CCP Games、Rare资深制作人打造的《机械制造者2.0》全面改版,扩展了PvE和PvP玩法,吸引500万玩家 今天,Flashbulb Games公布了《机械制造者2.0 ...
With a 10 hour long campaign and the introduction of survival and crafting mechanics, Trailmakers makes the jump to version 2 ...
A ton of new content has been added to Trailmakers this past week, as players can now access Trailmakers: Pioneers right now ...
Flashbulb Games is expanding its acclaimed vehicle-building sandbox, Trailmakers, with a massive 2.0 update titled Pioneers.