A home loan is a long-term loan. It is generally believed that banks hesitate to give home loans to senior citizens because ...
Navigating the evolving Indian family system requires reflection on caring for the elderly with dignity and respect.
A global elderly and aging population has significant impacts, not only in terms of individual health risk but in terms of ...
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
Hospice Savannah just received a 2 million dollar grant to help our elderly age in place.
Jansson’s novel, recently reissued, follows a group of residents at a retirement community in Florida.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in older adults due to age-related risk factors and can often cause symptoms that ...
Tai chi is just one way some elderly Jakartans maintain their physical fitness and an active social life, high above the ...
There are so many inspiring movies about getting older that show we don’t need to dread the process of aging. Plenty of stars ...
A charity that supports elderly people is calling on the government to do more to keep pensioners warm. Cambridgeshire-based ...