Billows of black smoke have been seen over a power station in Moscow. According to media reports, the fire occurred in a ...
The surfboard prototype is created from a decommissioned blade from the company’s Waubra wind farm in Victoria, Australia. It ...
The Argentine Navy has announced it will auction seven vessels that have already been decommissioned, many of which had been unoperational since 2013, it was reported. The lot consists of the ...
The collaboration between Kerr’s surfboard company, Draft Surf, and ACCIONA, a global leader in renewable energy and infrastructure, has resulted in the world’s first surfboards made from retired wind ...
As much as wind turbines are great for producing clean energy, disposing of them when the time comes can be challenging. Researchers in China have hit upon a clever way to use discarded blades to ...
Decommissioned ships, including aircraft carriers, cruise ships, and warships, are often sunk worldwide to create artificial reefs. Notable examples include the USS Spiegel Grove, a US Navy ...