Counterparty risk is the chance that the other party in a financial transaction may not meet their obligations. It can occur in loans, derivatives and trading contracts with banks, insurers ...
A broader overview of Counterparty Radar can be found here. On this page, we describe the key decisions made when collecting, standardising, and cleaning the data. This document focuses on foreign ...
Counterparty Radar provides extra transparency to OTC derivatives market participants, by aggregating data from the regulatory filings of individual US mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and life ...
The fewer brokers that a fund faces for clearing, the better from a workflow and post-trade perspective. It also helps to minimise counterparty risk concerns for the GP’s and LP’s during their due ...
Jessica Hynes has been appointed head of counterparty network at The Kuwait Investment Office (KIO). Based in London, the KIO is part of the Kuwait Investment Authority, and is the world's first ...
The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has published a speech by Sarah Pritchard, executive director of consumers, competition and international, ...
The new methodology has helped Barclays to meet regulator’s requirements and better manage and control our counterparty risk. [It] has helped Barclays to demonstrate quantitatively that we hold an ...