An eyesore churchyard plagued by fly-tippers, drinkers and Japanese knotweed is facing an uncertain future. St John’s Church, in Goldenhill, has been closed since 2016 - with the churchyard ...
Gravestones will be stacked into works of art to make room for the garden which will feature planting, seating and bird and ...
In his kitchen in a Russian town near Moscow, Yury stirs his tea and tries to settle into a normal routine after months on the front line in Ukraine.On the front line "there was always something new - ...
A farmer was left “spooked” after he stumbled across suspected human remains outside a churchyard which had been flooded. Stephen Bartlett, 61, was walking past his local church in Mudford, near ...
The body of a man killed in an alleged hit and run incident in Carmarthenshire was discovered in the grounds of a churchyard after a missing person search was launched when his dog was seen ...
Carol Vaughan wants her mother's inscription to follow the format of her father's A woman says she has been "delayed" in grieving for her mother after changes to churchyard rules meant she could ...
West Mercia Police's PC Rich Edward said that the man had been seen in the grounds of St Nicholas' Church in Newport yesterday (Tuesday, February 4) by officers who were on patrol. He said the man ...
Improvements are underway to create a “vibrant, family-friendly green space” outside St Mary's Churchyard Watford High Street.
THE Consistory Court of the diocese of Oxford has granted a faculty permitting images of both a Star of David and a cross on ...