To combine two individual words (e.g., a noun and a verb or an adjective and a noun) into an acceptable word combination, you should be aware of the English word combination constraints of words. This ...
Rewrite these sentences according to the principles of word choice and avoiding the common mistakes outlined on the “Word Choice” handout. It is worthwhile to first consider the theories of various ...
Word choice is an important part of writing. The words a writer chooses can have a massive impact on their writing. This technique should be familiar to you as you will have studied it at 3rd level.
When considering the language used by a writer, you can think of another word or expression the writer could have used. This will then allow you to compare the word used against an alternative and ...
But the term "non-regrettable attrition" that Meta used is a poor choice of words. It’s not just tone-deaf—it comes across as dismissive and arrogant. When a company uses a term like "non ...
Similar to the above suggestion, to increase word choice, you want to start with a thesaurus to help you find other adjectives or phrases to improve your writing. It is important to remember that ...
Scrappy’s remarks highlighted his ongoing concerns about their interactions. As the episode unfolded, unresolved conflicts between Scrappy, Amy Luciani, and others continued to take center stage ...