周二晚上,美国德克萨斯州民主党众议员艾尔·格林(Al Green)在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在国会参众两院联席会议上发表演讲时多次起嘴,随后被驱逐出众议院。
Something Rep. Al Green told me has really stayed with me: “I think we have to do as much as we can, as fast as we can to prevent him from becoming a dictator.” Rep. Green is a man of principle and is ...
美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)当地时间4日晚上9时在国会联席会议发表演说,以“美国梦重现”为题,“宣告了美国黄金时代的到来”。众议院议场犹如被红海切割,共和党议员区的高亢情绪与民主党区的静默像两个世界。迎接特朗普的一边是共和党议员频频欢呼 ...
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