If you want to play Urban Dead ahead of its shutdown later this month, the original website is still online. The game puts you in the role of a survivor of a zombie outbreak or one of the shambling ...
Our Darkest Days will launch in Early Access for PC via Steam on April 9 for $24.99, developer PikPok announced. A Mac version will follow. It will ...
From the former Umbrella employee chewing on Kevin in Resident Evil right up to the fleshy fodder of Dead Island, Dying Light, and State of Decay, the humble zombie remains a videogame mainstay.
Zombie survival shooter No More Room in Hell 2 shambled onto Steam early access late last year, and proved to have a few more bits missing than its audience could reasonably cope with. Debuting to ...
SXSW: Given the many variations on this putrid genre, it’s impressive that writer/director Zak Hilditch has found fresh blood ...