The Downtown Sudbury Business Improvement Area (BIA) will be hosting their annual Community Yard Sale May 24, and they are ...
If you're in the mood to sift through your stuff and open your yard to buyers, here are 6 things to avoid doing at your next yard sale. The more, the merrier doesn't just apply to parties, and ...
Looking for some extra money? It might be time to dust off the stuff in storage and have a yard sale! According to more than $4,000,000 is spent every weekend in America on yard sale stuff.
Document your stuff. Take a few photographs of the possessions ... Although planning and running a yard sale take up a lot of time, you don't have pay anyone a commission on the money you make.
The 22nd National Road Yard Sale Festival is set for May 28 to June 1. According to an announcement, the event spans 824 miles from St. Louis to Baltimore, Maryland. Dubbed the Thrill of the Hunt ...
Imagine selling a painting at a yard sale for $10, then learning the buyer ... usually within a week. Value My Stuff charges $10 per appraisal. WorthPoint valuations start at $30 an item; you ...