Throughout centuries of European witchcraft history, women were the main targets of accusations, trials, and executions, reinforcing the connections between witchcraft and societal expectations of ...
Claire Mitchell and Zoe Venditozzi successfully campaigned for a state pardon for women accused of witchcraft ...
In 1324, Alice became the first person to be accused and charged with witchcraft in Ireland. A moneylender in the town, Alice was married a total of four times, with each husband dying under ...
Modern tartans are registered for organisations, individuals, and commemorative purposes in the official Scottish Register of ...
Maryland is the most recent state to introduce legislation to exonerate those convicted of witchcraft centuries ago. But why now? By Alexander Nazaryan It was February 1698, and disease was ...
In The Story of Witches, Winsham takes readers on a tour of the history of witches in the United States and Europe. The book is relatively short and packed with art. However, what the book lacks in ...
"Witchcraft for Wayward Girls" is, in its most basic form, about unwed teenage mothers who are sent away to a "home" in ...
Traditional witchcraft practices have ties to heavy metal's birth, according to Rupert Russell, the filmmaker behind 'The ...
One could argue that the Witchcraft Act of 1604 was the first ... I never expected it would become a civics lesson, a history lesson, and a cautionary tale, all in one, but this is precisely ...
the government body tasked with preserving Scotland’s history. The act was short and provided few details about what constituted witchcraft, sorcery or necromancy. But across Scotland ...
But it remains a "dark reality" across the UK, said Premier Christian News. In the past year alone, witchcraft, also known as "juju" or "djin" or "jin", has been linked to 2,180 social-services cases.