Kathy McClure is a Penn State Master Gardener in Beaver County. This article originally appeared on Beaver County Times: Over ...
In late summer or early fall, when temperatures threaten to drop below 60 F in your garden, reverse the acclimation process ...
Nothing quite brightens your house on a winter day like a sunny yellow cascade of forsythia. Give it a try and enjoy that springlike beauty.
Recently, we visited with thousands of gardeners and aspiring gardeners at the Central Ohio Home & Garden Show and answered ... related to whether or not this winter’s cold and snow have harmed ...
Q: What can I do to keep grasshoppers out of my garden? They are really destructive!
You might not spend as much time in your garden during winter, but if you keep an eye out you'll still see plenty of bird activity. Here are some of the birds you're likely to spot spending time in ...
As the warmer weather approaches, you might be tempted to head into the garden and give it a tidy-up before spring arrives. But when is the right time to mow your lawn again after winter ends?