Studies that explore how the denser sections of atoms, known as atomic nuclei, interact with neutrons (i.e., particles with ...
The U.S. Space Force selects Rocket Lab to compete for its $5.6 billion National Security Space Launch program.
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) ("Rocket Lab" or "the Company"), a global leader in launch services and space systems, ...
A cosmic enigma, ASKAP J1839-0756, a slow-spinning neutron star discovered using the ASKAP radio telescope, is challenging ...
Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Cincinnati achieved a ...
An international team of astrophysicists from China and Australia has for the first time determined how massive neutron stars ...
Researchers have found an environmentally safer way to extract the lithium 6 needed to create fuel for nuclear fusion ...
Plutonium discovered at the bottom of the ocean was found to be refuse from a kilonova that exploded close to Earth 10 ...
There are some potentially valid criticism about the Nuclear Salt Water Rocket (NSWR). The criticisms highlight real physical ...
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for a process that had previously only been theorised. The study provides new ...
The explosion released elements heavier than iron—like gold and platinum—through a process known as rapid neutron capture ...