Sumo is often referred to as Japan’s national sport but it’s baseball that is the country’s one true obsession. This week, ...
Suit up! The world's heaviest and the world's widest sumo wrestlers are set to come to the Natural State next month.
Ozeki Onosato and No. 4 maegashira Takayasu moved into a two-way tie for the lead at the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament after ...
近期,腾讯旗下两大海外游戏子公司曝出了两则消息:一是Miniclip收购了德国混合休闲游戏工作室 Lessmore;二是,Sumo Group将旗下的游戏发行团队Secret Mode出售给英国投资机构Emona Capital。这两则消息背后不仅透露了腾讯旗下Miniclip与Sumo ...
由游戏公司Sumo Group在2020年成立的发行部门Secret Mode,近日以未公开的价格被投资公司Smona Capital收购。Secret Mode的联合创始人詹姆斯·施勒和发行副总裁布林科与公司合作主导了此次交易。 Secret Mode此前负责发行了多款Sumo ...
Newly promoted yokozuna Hoshoryu pulled out of the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament on Tuesday after suffering a right elbow ...
In the bustling streets of Melbourne's City, a remarkable figure has recently caught the public's attention—a heavyweight sumo wrestler known as Gocchanko (real name Kodai Ota). As a former ...
Investigation reveals viral images of Tata Sumo's 2025 comeback are AI-generated renders and modified BAIC Jishi 01 images.
Hot Springs will welcome the heaviest sumo wrestler in the world and the widest sumo wrestler in the world to compete in the ...
The play’s cast members wrestle, slap and toss one another in ambitiously choreographed fight sequences that took months of training to learn.