If you buy a home, condo or other property in a community with a homeowners association, you automatically become a member of an HOA when you purchase property in the community it oversees. An HOA, or ...
Those who purchase a condominium become a member of the association and pay a periodic fee as mandated by the HOA. This fee is called a condominium or condo fee, and may also be referred to by ...
Another Winter Park Woods resident, Shane Costa, said his fee was hiked from $634 to more ... It's unfortunate that this HOA appears to have been a little bit short sighted in not putting enough ...
If your HOA is creating problems for you, such as being sticklers for the rules or charging high fees, it may seem like a good idea to sue.
New York’s Real Property Law outlines ways that the percentage of common interest can be calculated for each unit.
This very same parking spot sold for $500,000 just two years ago, meaning the owner wants to pocket a tidy 50% profit ...
A Georgia HOA is being accused of levying exorbitant fines and yearly fees with no transparency. The community is fighting ...
Not only do 55+ communities charge monthly HOA fees to cover operating expenses, but such communities also often charge new homeowners an up-front fee. Linick, for example, had to pay a “lodge ...
The Treasury Department said it would not enforce the CTA against U.S. citizens and domestic corporations, meaning HOAs can ignore the CTA and its BOI requirements. HOAs that already filed such ...
Bosah believes Downing wants his house. According to Georgia law, a homeowners association can get a lien on a property and ...