Two fat ladies. Cup of tea. Never been kissed. To the well versed bingo player, these seemingly random words will have them swiftly crossing out a number. To those who haven't played the classic ...
Bongo Bingo — a game night that features rave music, dance-offs, confetti and wacky prizes — is one of the city’s most winning new parties. “It’s just so random and weird and fun ...
Come out and play some bingo and find out some weird and wonderful information about ... for $5 (both cash and card will be accepted). The prizes are fabulous! This event will be hosted by the ...
It's a mixture of amazing/sh*t prizes, all behaviour accepted, fast paced Bingo with a lot of nonsense & weird rounds in between with two elderly ladies on stage. Prepare yourself for an ...
It's a mixture of amazing/sh*t prizes, all behaviour accepted, fast paced Bingo with a lot of nonsense & weird rounds in between with two elderly ladies on stage. Prepare yourself for an ...