There was something chilling about The Undertaker's slow walk to the ring combined with Cash's gravel voice and latter-years ...
John Cena’s theme song is iconic. When you hear the triumphant sound of horns, you know instantly who is set to come out.
In 2003, Zach Gowen was briefly the belle of the ... essentially a remix of Mr. Perfect's classic WWE theme. Perhaps if Curtis Axel had been given the Hennig name, it would've helped tie ...
"I knew nothing about WWE and posted a tweet saying that I was going to be recording [Gargano's] new entrance theme song. I was incredibly excited. Posted it and then put my phone on silent ...
Cena has been a unique case in WWE history, however, having not played a “heel” on screen since 2003, shortly after ... even had new ring gear and new theme music made. In the complicated ...