多年来,科学家们一直试图解开一个谜题: HBV是如何在肝细胞中建立感染的? 如今,由纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MSK)、威尔康奈尔医学院和洛克菲勒大学的研究团队领导的一项新研究取得了突破性进展。
武汉病毒研究所领导的一项研究发现了一种独特的蝙蝠病毒谱系,它能够利用ACE2受体感染人类细胞。这种新发现的梅贝冠状病毒(merbecovirus,一种冠状病毒亚属)被命名为HKU5-CoV-2,是从中国广东省收集的Pipistrelle蝙蝠中分离出来的。Pipistrelle蝙蝠体型娇小,小到可以轻松藏进孩子的鞋子里,它们以蚊子和飞蛾等飞行昆虫为食,广泛分布于全球,从美国西部到南欧和亚洲,是英国最 ...
NY resident Sebastien Beauzile was treated with a pioneering new gene therapy approach called Lyfgenia, curing his sickle ...
In a potentially major breakthrough for regenerative medicine, scientists at MIT have developed a way to convert skin cells ...
As viral vaccines are increasingly used to meet global health needs, the pharmaceutical industry is manufacturing larger ...
Mount Sinai researchers have developed a method to uncover the hidden immune cells that harbor the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a discovery that brings medical experts one step closer to a cure ...
Scientists reveal that reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), driven by TGFβ-induced immune suppression, is a key driver ...
Certain immune cells in MS show abnormalities in activity and signs of reactions against the Epstein-Barr virus, a study says ...
Immunocore’s big swing for a functional HIV cure has cleared its first hurdle. | Immunocore’s big swing for a functional HIV ...
Converting one type of cell to another—for example, a skin cell to a neuron—can be done through a process that requires the ...
EBV antibodies trigger MS by attacking brain proteins. Genetic factors worsen risk. Breakthrough insights for treatment.