An unusually white-spotted Tasmanian devil was trapped on private land but released into a secret location after concerns ...
Known for its unique vocalizations, this wild dog that was once thought extinct, was rediscovered in 2020, and has a population of around 200 in 2025.
But many brave creatures bounced back from the brink of extinction due to well-coordinated conservation efforts Unique blue iguana faced near extinction by 2002. But in 2018, they were rebounded ...
Sometimes history surprises us with unexpected discoveries. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), cameras from the State Institute for the Environment (INEA) have captured the image of a mam ...
Conservation efforts have been crucial in preventing extinction and promoting biodiversity ... Italy offers a wide variety of animals thriving in its different landscapes. Some of these species ...
Menopause is not exclusive to humans; several animal species, including killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, beluga ...
Each species plays a unique role ... largest hooved wild animal in Switzerland and has a beautiful presence in the Swiss Alps. In the 19th century, they were hunted to extinction, but the decrease ...
A growing group of scientists is trying to bring back extinct animals, an idea that is drawing closer than ever because of recent advances in gene editing. Shapiro, one of the world’s leading ...
The age of de-extinction may soon be a reality. Advances in genetic engineering and synthetic biology are making resurrecting animals once lost to this world a tangible prospect. The organizations ...
The researchers 'aim to safeguard the genetic material' of 'unique and precious animals for future use to ensure their ...