Inside the winemaking process at Oregon's Appassionata Estate, focusing on blending techniques, pinot noir expressions and ...
Beef bourguignon (boor-gee-nyawn) is a classic French stew known for its deep flavors and melt-in-your-mouth beef. Burgundy wine, traditionally pinot noir, is considered the go-to choice for this ...
A study of the historical phenomenon of film noir, along with the related genre of the noir novel. The emphasis will be on classical film noir but more recent texts will also be examined. A variety of ...
What is that fruit in the starter? How many types of vegetable are on the plate? Was that a white wine or a dessert wine?
There are, broadly speaking, two types of artist: the explorer and the miner. The explorer keeps moving on, staking out new aesthetic or thematic terrain, while the miner keeps ...