The initial impact may make the front page of news media, but the aftermath on communities ... Antigua feeds the data on the force of the approaching wave into the Tsunami Warning System, which alerts ...
What will it take to be ready for the next major tsunami? One of the most wrenching signs of the lack of readiness for the tsunami in the Indian Ocean was the enthusiasm of children, as reported ...
Riley Kehoe and her family’s survival of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was nothing short of a miracle. “When I was 10 years ...
Tsunami: Killer Wave depicts nature at its most extreme, profiles the efforts being made to curb its effects, and illustrates the financial, physical and emotional toll it can leave on its victims.
Hear powerful survivor stories from the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. It’s been 20 years since one of history’s deadliest natural disasters. Discover how tragedy defined a generation.
Trudeau Experts reveal how much sleep your age group should be getting every night Ukrainian agent infiltrates 500km from the front line and destroys strategic Russian installation What it takes ...
Presents a minute-by-minute account of the most destructive tsunami in modern times, told through powerful survivor testimonies and jaw-dropping archives. Presents a minute-by-minute account of ...
The First Alert Weather Team is tracking a cold front on Thursday, which will bring rain showers in the afternoon.
Rather than distance himself from his painful memories in Rikuzentakata, Roki Sasaki has taken a proactive approach to ...