"The King’s Torah" was released shortly after the announcement of the arrest of an alleged Jewish terrorist who admitted to killing Palestinians and attacks on messianic Jews and left-wing Jews.
In the portion, the Torah describes ... and to ban Jews from working in the civil service and in the media. The reason, the petition claimed, was because of “anti-Gentile writings,” published ...
חסידי אומות העולם יש להם חלק לעולם הבא Righteous gentiles have a share in the world to come. --- Maimonides (12 th Century), Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 8:11.
The fundamental distinction between a Jew and a gentile is that the Jewish people have the Torah and Gentiles do not. At Mt. Sinai, the Jewish people as a whole accepted upon themselves the Torah ...
(New York Jewish Week) – A video of an Orthodox ... He added that while this chapter is about Passover, the longing to study the Torah relates to the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, which ...
CHARLIE: When you're Jewish like me you try to live life by God's Commandments in the Torah the first Five Books ... You have to study. All the books over there in the corner there you have ...
Some Jews believe they can experience the presence of God in three ways: study, worship and prayer. They study the Torah at home or in a yeshiva, they worship God at the synagogue and they often ...
Rabbi Shimon’s original position was by no means a majority opinion. By comparison, Rabban Gamliel, son of Rabbi Judah HaNasi, said: Torah study is good together with an occupation, for the exertion ...
Actions to save a life should be performed not by gentiles or ... In return, Torah study protected not only the individual scholars but also the entire Jewish people. However, history contradicts ...