The only surviving funerary relief of the ancient Greek world depicting twin babies in the same arms was unveiled in Athens.
Tombstone is filled with iconic moments, but one of its most famous inclusions was a sudden surprise from Val Kilmer.
The fact that it has the size and heft of a tombstone (it’s impossible to read without the support of a piece of furniture), ...
No Western is complete without a shootout, but Tombstone's final conflict brilliantly twists the audience's expectations.
Possibly because things looked so bright for the tombstone trade, last week’s convention talked little about business, a lot about art. Dealers and salesmen were driven to cemeteries ...
Michelangelo Buonarotti’s 550th birthday came this week, and to mark the occasion, a restoration of the family tombstone in the ... was designed by artist and art historian Giorgio Vasari ...
This tombstone would have been painted in bright colours when it was first made.This tombstone is thought to be dedicated to a Sarmatian, a nomadic people from the area which is now southern ...
At Satellite Ranch in Austin, Texas, Phil Buehler is unveiling a cyclorama that transports visitors to a war-torn Ukrainian ...