The fact that it has the size and heft of a tombstone (it’s impossible to read without the support of a piece of furniture), ...
The only surviving funerary relief of the ancient Greek world depicting twin babies in the same arms was unveiled in Athens.
After two assassination attempts on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, a Brooklyn artist thought it was a good ...
Partly damaged by the catastrophic 1966 flood of the Arno, Michelangelo's Florence tombstone just got a $118,000 restoration.
Possibly because things looked so bright for the tombstone trade, last week’s convention talked little about business, a lot about art. Dealers and salesmen were driven to cemeteries ...
Longinus, originally from Bulgaria, was part of the Roman army that invaded Britain in AD43Workmen found the tombstone of Longinus Sdapeze in 1928 near Lexden Road in Colchester. It dramatically ...
Born Ruth Windmüller on April 10, 1919 in Hamburg, Germany to a Jewish father and Christian mother, she was forced to leave Germany in 1936 and study abroad at the Liverpool College of Art in the ...
Tombstone was among the most popular westerns of the 1990s, and helped to spark a minor resurgence for a genre that hadn’t been that successful since the Golden Age of Hollywood. Although it was ...