Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says his ministry won’t appoint someone to the role of ‘Tikanga Lead’, a job that ...
Ka tīmata te ako i ngā whakamārama me ngā tukanga o te akoako pāngarau ki tā te Māori titiro, ki tā te Pākehā titiro, me tōna whakamahinga ki te reo Māori. An introduction to the processes of numeracy ...
The Act Party's putting the pressure on Auckland University to say goodbye to its compulsory ‘Waipapa Taumata Rau’ course.
Winston Peters says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade advertising a job for a 'tikanga lead' is a case of a bad idea getting "dug in deeper than ticks on a hound".
The investigation spanned a total of 66 weeks from start to finish and the Authority identified several flaws in the ...
Tikanga Pāngarau III Ka āta rangahau i te mātauranga pāngarau me ngā ariā pāngarau me te āta aro ki te tika o te whakaako i te pāngarau i ngā ako Māori. Advanced study of mathematical concepts and ...