This article seeks to dispel misconceptions regarding tick bites to offer a better understanding of encounters with these arachnid creatures. Many people believe that every tick is a carrier of ...
Researchers at Washington University identified the first invasive longhorned tick ever found in suburban St. Louis County, the university said on Thursday. The sesame-seed-sized arachnid is ...
The tiny tick is found in woodland areas across the nation and scientists have now discovered it’s saliva triggers an allergic reaction that can be fatal. Depending on the species of tick ...
it often brings an unpleasant surprise in the form of a tick hidden in its fur. It's not enough to remove the malicious arachnid from the animal's skin, as such an encounter often ends with ...
Researchers at Washington University identified the first invasive longhorned tick ever found in suburban St. Louis County, the university said on Thursday. The sesame-seed-sized arachnid is ...
Neurology was consulted given the concern of possible Guillan-Barre Syndrome (GBS). After the tick was removed, the patient improved, indicating a diagnosis of tick paralysis (TP). The tick should ...