Woodstock, Illinois, where the “Groundhog Day” movie was filmed, is celebrating with a four-day festival called Woodstock Groundhog Days, capped off with Woodstock Willy’s Prognostication early Sunday ...
Illinois offers many vacations’ worth of fun things to do with kids. I raised my kids in Chicago. These are my family’s ...
However, as someone who grew up in Illinois, I love highlighting and ... Here are some of my favorite things to do in the Midwest. Visit Bayfield, Wisconsin, for hiking and relaxation.
Major dining deals, monster trucks, and Disney on Ice are among the many options of things to do in the Chicago area this weekend.
As the holiday season comes to an end, a new year begins in central Illinois. There is still a diverse selection of events to check out in the area. Here are 10 things to do in the Peoria area ...