Enroll Now! Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content", weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing ...
LONDON: Messaging platform Telegram ... If they want to show they are committed to protecting children, they must be proactive in identifying and removing all illegal content from their platform.” ...
In March last year, the watchdog asked Telegram and other platforms what they were doing to detect “terrorist”, violent extremist, and child sexual exploitation content, she said in a statement.
PARIS: Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said on Sept 23 that the messaging platform had removed more “problematic content”, weeks after his arrest in France on charges of ...
The leaders here are the Telegram and YouTube foreign platforms. In the current situation, it looks like any kind of moderation of this dangerous content is completely lacking on these platforms ...
Notorious encrypted messaging app Telegram has been slapped with a nearly $1 million penalty over delays in responding to queries regarding any terrorist and child sexual exploitation content on ...
SYDNEY: Australia's online watchdog said on Monday (Feb 24) it has fined Telegram more than US$600,000 for missing a deadline to reveal how it tackles "terrorist" and child sexual abuse content.
"Statistics show ... Senior Web Content Analyst at Kaspersky. In a phishing attack, a cybercriminal sends a fraudulent message designed to trick a human victim into revealing sensitive information ...