Check out our ranked list of the best PS1 games of all time, titles that have remained beloved by many for decades.
PS Portal 的云串流功能最初仅支持部分 PS5 游戏, 但如今已涵盖几乎所有 PS1 和 PSP 经典游戏目录中的作品 。根据 TrueTrophies 的统计,目前玩家可以在云串流库中畅玩诸如《古惑狼》(Ape ...
you can now also play a selection of classic PS1 and PSP games over the internet. The line-up includes Ape Escape, which is set to make a cameo in Metal Gear Solid Delta, Tekken, The Legend of ...
Until then, the most popular console was the Super Nintendo, but with the appearance of the PS1, nothing was the same again. The launch of PlayStation 1 (also known as PS1, Psone or PSX ...