TAVI技术是指通过输送系统将人工瓣膜送至主动脉瓣环的位置并释放,来代替患者发生病变的主动脉瓣,是目前国际上最先进的心脏微创治疗技术之一。这一技术定位准确,能够轻松实现瓣膜的可重新定位和回收,并可有效避免冠脉风险,极大的提升手术的安全性和舒适程度,有 ...
为探究 TAVI 手术瓣膜置入阶段脑氧饱和度下降水平对术后谵妄(POD)的影响,伊斯坦布尔大学 - 塞拉哈帕夏医学院研究人员开展相关研究,发现低 rScO?与谵妄有关。该研究为临床评估 POD 风险提供新视角,值得一读。 在医学领域,经导管主动脉瓣植入术(TAVI ...
Tavi Costa sees big moves coming for gold, silver, and miners. He also highlights A.I.'s impact on emerging markets and warns ...
Flash floods in the river Jammu Tawi have left one person trapped, quick response from the State Disaster Response Force ...
Discover how recent advancements in cardiovascular medicine, including TAVI and TEER, are revolutionizing heart disease ...
Varanasi: A team of skilled doctors at the Cardiology department at the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu ...
View Tavia Acquisition Corp. TAVI stock quote prices, financial information, real-time forecasts, and company news from CNN.
TAVI has been changing very fast. What used to be a treatment option for patients at high risk is now being used for more individuals, including those at intermediate and low risk. It has been ...
Women are often underdiagnosed and undertreated when it comes to heart disease, particularly conditions like aortic stenosis.
Morningstar Quantitative Ratings for Stocks are generated using an algorithm that compares companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings ...