These resources can be accessed through most library systems; contact with a librarian facilitates finding and keeping current with the latest research evidence. The more the NP uses these ...
Despite 22 systematic reviews including 142 unique randomised clinical trials, there is mainly low level of evidence for the effectiveness of ACL rehabilitation interventions to improve symptomatic ...
A new systematic review has been published in the journal Addiction evaluating the evidence for a gateway effect from vaping ...
and chances of being asymptomatic with ADLs (level 3 evidence) compared with those treated with placebo patches. A summary of the results of the included studies on different patient-related outcomes ...
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) has developed a new systematic review to summarize for neurologists and other clinicians the evidence for epidural steroid injections and whether they reduce ...
A systematic review assessed compliance or implementation of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Management Bundle (SEP-1) and its association with sepsis ...