But drill into Alan Greene's eighth-generation maple syrup operation in the town of Sebago, and you'll find it doesn't run as smoothly as it used to. "The last 10 years, we are definitely becoming ...
It is expensive because of the low yield from the sap (40 gallons of sap are needed for one gallon of syrup!) but the cheaper imitations labelled ‘maple-flavoured syrup’ made from a mixture of ...
Sap will soon be flowing from Michigan’s sugar maples, ready to be boiled down to pure maple syrup. Good, old-fashioned maple syrup is among the state’s oldest agricultural products ...
All our equipment is ready. We're ready. But Mother Nature isn't yet." Trites said maple syrup producers are generally looking for two things — days with temperatures above freezing and nights ...
March is maple syrup season in Wisconsin. The sugar maple tree and the history of maple sugaring is an important part of Wisconsin’s heritage. Genuine maple syrup follows a process of tapping ...