据外媒今日(1月24日)报道,微软正计划推出一系列小尺寸的Surface设备,以挑战苹果iPad Pro的市场份额。预计将于1月30日活动中发布的新设备包括11 ...
其中,小型Surface Pro将配备一块11英寸的显示屏,直接对标市场热门产品——苹果的11英寸iPad Pro。这款Surface Pro不仅支持高刷新率显示,还配备了触控 ...
Add the optional keyboard cover and it'd still be cheaper than the iPad Pro. Note that at time of posting, Microsoft announced the Surface Pro 8, hence the Pro 7's price drop. Microsoft also ...
近日,科技界传来消息称,微软正筹备推出一系列针对轻便与高性能需求的全新Surface设备,意图在高端平板市场与苹果iPad Pro一较高下。据知名科技媒体Windows Central爆料,微软计划推出的新设备包括更小尺寸的Surface Pro和Surface Laptop,预计定价区间为800至900美元 ...
but a newer iPad Pro 2021 series has since launched; there's also the Surface Pro 8 on the market now, so if you're looking for even newer kit then be sure to check out those individual reviews ...
with the Surface Pro 8 appearing to be a direct competitor to Apple's 12.9-inch iPad Pro. Here's how Microsoft's new productivity tablet stacks up against Apple's long-standing offering.