Subaru Impreza WRX STi在2001年开始征战拉力赛,而其在2002赛季的优异表现奠定了品牌在拉力赛的地位。尽管斯巴鲁在随后赛季面临挑战,但WRX STi车型凭借其卓越的零件设计和出色的操控性能,成为了汽车市场中的经典。
In classic JDM fashion, Subaru just revealed some extra enticing and fun forbidden fruit for the Japanese market in the form ...
Subaru killed off the WRX STI back in 2021, to the lasting grief of many a rally fan. Really though, the car had something of ...
在澳大利亚,斯巴鲁的全新WRX系列车型——WRX tS Spec B终于揭开了神秘的面纱。这款车不仅是2025年WRX系列的顶配车型,更是对追求纯粹驾驶质感消费者的强力吸引。售价为61490澳元(约合28.14万元),WRX tS Spec B无疑在竞争中占据了一席之地,尤其是在手动变速箱成为越来越稀有的选项时。 这一全新的WRX tS Spec B与普通WRX相比,具有更加运动感十足的设计元素。
在东京上野的斯巴鲁博物馆里,一架 1932 年生产的中岛 Ki-27 战斗机与一辆 1958 年的 Subaru 360 微型车并肩陈列。这个跨越时空的组合,完美诠释了斯巴鲁品牌的基因密码 —— 将航空工业的精密技术与汽车制造的实用主义相结合。从二战废墟中的飞机零件到全球销量突破 2000 万辆的汽车帝国,斯巴鲁用 75 年时间书写了一部关于坚持、创新与征服的传奇。本文将深度解码这个 "技术偏执狂 ...
Subaru Forester e-BOXER Hybrid , which officially made its debut at the Chicago Auto Show last month, will arrive in ...
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So when Subaru rung me to ask if I wanted to take a 2019 Subaru WRX STI to watch a rallycross race, I jumped at the opportunity. It was no shock that none of my friends wanted to come along ...
For many years, Subaru has been selling special edition models in its home market of Japan.. Earlier this week, the brand ...