Snowmelt, the single biggest predictor of the river's spring flood risk, won't play a big role this year as there wasn't much snow to begin with across the river basin.
As spring brings warmer temperatures and heavy rains, it's crucial to tackle home maintenance tasks like inspecting your roof ...
Although the current flood outlook remains low, that could change if early heavy spring rains arrive while the ground is ...
Discover the best time to plant grass seed in spring to ensure a healthy lawn. Learn about regional considerations, types of ...
Meteorological spring lasts from March 1 to May 31. Meteorological seasons use temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar ...
Springtime in New England always keeps meteorologists on their toes. From a historic April Fool's blizzard, to the flooding ...
With the state remaining in a drought emergency, officials on Thursday asked the public to delay outdoor water use until conditions improve.
As warmer temperatures thaw fields across the Portage la Prairie region, local farmers are cautiously optimistic about the ...