They're smaller than a grain of sand, are a kind of arachnid, like spiders, and they feast on ... females burrow deep into your pores where they lay their eggs. The eggs end up in one of two ...
These pests often invade houses and other human-made structures ... and the female spider can lay more eggs. One female spider can produce one to five generations, but the average spider only ...
Almost always close to human habitations: on window-frames, under guttering, on fences, etc. If the web is disturbed, the spider remains in its retreat ... Adult females can be found all year round.
This spider's bite is much feared because its venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's. In humans ... a cocoon with hundreds of eggs. Spiderlings disperse soon after they ...
Many species in the genus Brassia are pollinated by parasitic wasps, which normally lay their eggs on spiders. The patterns and structure of Brassia orchids resemble a spider in its web enough to ...