【《我的世界》全新衍生游戏Project Spicewood曝光】近日,游戏圈内掀起了一阵不小的波澜。知名舅舅党X0X_LEAK在社交媒体上发布了一条令人振奋的消息:Mojang工作室正在秘密开发一款名为“Project Spicewood”的《我的世界》新作。这款神秘的游戏据说已经进入了至少两年的开发阶段,它将是继《我的世界 地下城》之后又一力作。
最近,游戏圈里流传着一个让人兴奋的消息:Mojang正在秘密开发《Minecraft 地下城》的续作!据说这个项目的内部代号是“Project Spicewood”,已经悄悄 ...
Gamers were left puzzled when Minecraft developer's cryptic response to Spicewood leaks left more questions than answers. In response to a post by Jens Bergensten, lead designer of Minecraft ...
Minecraft: Spicewood leaked earlier this week, with the leakers claiming that it's a sequel to Minecraft Dungeons. The same ...