The new Spectra-Physics is a global leader in solid-state and high-power semiconductor lasers, gas lasers and ultrafast systems. With the integration of Oriel, CIDTEC, Corion, Hilger Crystals, ...
Manufacturer of optical thin-film filters and coatings for control of light in the UV, visible and IR. Products include bandpass and edge filters, dichroics, dielectric and metallic mirrors and ...
When the Ti:Sapphire laser was first invented, it took the research community by storm. Today, it has an important role in imaging, spectroscopy and many other applications. Ti:Sapphire (Ti:Sa ...
My main area of research relates to the development of laser and parametric optical frequency combs and their application to optical atomic clocks, tests of fundamental physics, trace gas sensing, ...
Researchers in chemical physics apply physical methods and theory to study molecular and collective properties of chemical systems. The focus is on understanding complex phenomena from gas phase ...
The Science of Spectral Signatures: Laser spectroscopy of complex systems in crowded environments with a focus on: Developing sensitive optical techniques for the early detection of cancers As a ...