Water held at permanent wilting point is associated with partially filled micropores and hydrated surfaces of soil particles (Figure 2). Differences in soil properties (texture and structure ...
Soil carbon storage is a vital ecosystem service, resulting from interactions of ecological processes. Human activities affecting these processes can lead to carbon loss or improved storage. Aa Aa ...
For Colorado ranchers and producers, productivity stems from the soil. In the face of growing water scarcity and climate ...
How does the soil change as it gets deeper? • What do you think you’d find if you dug deeper? For extra fun, get out a globe (or check out this site with them) and have kids figure out where ...
These so-called IoUT devices are extremely useful when it comes to monitoring underground structures, but communication via radiowaves is obviously impacted when soil is in the way. Although there ...
The UD Soil Testing Program provides a variety of soil testing and educational support to farmers, homeowners and others engaged in soil management and land use. The program is offered as a public ...
Expansion of exploration ground in the Tamakay area; Preliminary work on the 55 sq km Tamakay project indicates several areas ...
Will Stone with the county says a lot of people overuse their sprinklers, and they also easily break without them knowing.
When European-American settlers first began ploughing in Iowa, they found the weather and local geology had combined this organic mulch with sand and silt to form a nutrient-rich type of soil ...