Synthetix 与 Infinex 创始人 Kain Warwick 在评论“以太坊基金会推出 EF Silviculture Society”一事时表示:“讽刺的是,我非常喜欢其中的几位成员,因此我觉得这是件好事。但围绕这一倡议的沟通却非常脱节,这也说明了为什么我们需要一位 CMO 来帮助以太坊基金会改善与社区的沟通。”此前消息,以太坊基金会在 X ...
金色财经报道,以太坊基金会宣布成立 EF Silviculture Society,这是一个由非基金会成员组成的非正式顾问团体,旨在确保以太坊生态系统的发展符合开源、隐私、安全和抗审查等核心价值观。
BlockBeats 消息,2 月 28 日,以太坊基金会在 X 平台发文宣布推出非正式顾问团体 EF Silviculture Society,成员均来自于外部个体,旨在为以太坊基金会 EF ...
The Ethereum Foundation (EF) has announced the formation of an advisory group known as the Silviculture Society, which is meant to counsel the organization informally and help uphold its work ethos ...
The goal of this project is to identify and test restorative silviculture treatments. These treatments aim to restore cedar in swamps where it has been lost and to improve cedar regeneration and ...
Forestry is silviculture, combined with sustainability, backed by science. Forestry is determining the characteristics of forested ecosystems and their connections, discovering the value trees hold to ...