"We launched the drone, put the GoPro in the water, and saw something unforgettable: an octopus perched atop the shark’s head ...
the parties agreed to regulate trade in more than 50 species of requiem sharks threatened by the demand for shark fin soup, including blue, tiger, and bull sharks, as well as several species of ...
serve or sell shark fin products. Information on which jurisdictions and companies have (or in some cases, have not) taken steps to ban shark finning/fishing are listed below. This list was comprised ...
After more than a year of no pings, a great white shark named Ormond, tracked by OCEARCH, pinged off Florida's Panhandle ...
Forming the largest aggregations of rays in the world, still very little is known about this species. They gather in the thousands in huge shoals, and undergo one of the greatest spectacles of nature.
rays, and chimaeras classified as threatened with extinction. Over the past 20 years, global demand for shark and ray meat has nearly doubled, now surpassing the value of the shark fin trade by 1. ...
The fin-mount tags transmit a shark’s current location to satellites ... And great whites chow down on whales, dolphins, ...
Skates, Rays and Other Sharks The angel shark more closely resembles a skate ... One way that angel sharks do differ from other sharks is their caudal fin, or tail. Most sharks' tails are top ...