“The change in selectivity and permeability is a sign that the channels interact with each other, and, therefore, their diameter is much wider than one nanometre,” says Apel. “It seems that ...
A decisive step for CO₂ capture has been achieved in a study recently published in Science Advances. Scientists have designed flexible membranes, called Rubbery Organic Frameworks, which combine ...
Scientists have designed flexible membranes, called Rubbery Organic Frameworks, which combine permeability and selectivity. This promising breakthrough could transform industrial CO₂ capture ...
Chloride, a component of common salt and a natural constituent of seawater, is essential for life processes in all organisms. The proof of a high permeability for chloride by single-layer nanographene ...
The proof of a high permeability for chloride by single-layer nanographene and a selective binding of halides in a double-layer nanographene brings some applications closer. Dr. Kazutaka Shoyama ...