Scombroid is the most common foodborne illness from seafood. Scombroid happens if the fish is not stored at a cold enough ...
I ate some tilapia last night, and within an hour, I had nausea and a headache, vomiting a few hours later, and now diarrhea.
In August 2003, an outbreak of scombroid fish poisoning occurred at a retreat centre in California, USA. In a retrospective cohort study, 42 (75%) of the 56 dinner attendees who ate escolar fish ...
as your symptoms are highly suggestive of a foodborne illness called scombroid poisoning. It is most common after tuna, mackerel or bonito but can come on after eating other fish as well ...
Scombroid fish poisoning (histamine fish poisoning) is a reaction to fish contaminated with high levels of histamine. The ...