Julia Sawalha is a woman transformed. The trademark brown curls - pre-Raphaelite on a good day, tangled thicket on a bad one - are gone, replaced by hair that is blonde. She is also, not to put ...
WKYT spoke to a Georgetown chocolate shop about the decision to increase customer prices. Chocomania owner Christine Sawalha says love is in the air, but so is the price of chocol ...
Nadia Sawalha's obsession with crime began six years ago. “I’m fascinated by true crime, and it’s weird that I wasn’t fascinated earlier, whether it’s podcasts, telly or even reading it." ...
One fan wrote: "I refuse to believe Nadia Sawalha is 60. Nope. #LooseWomen" while another posted: "To be fair to Nadia, she's wearing very well for 60. I thought she was about 50. #LooseWomen." ...
Nadia Sawalha, 53, had her second daughter Kiki, 18, when she was 42. Speaking on the ITV programme on Thursday, she said that the most important thing is 'if you can look after your child'.